Free Live Training!

Foundations and Fundamentals for Starting an Online Business

Thursday June 27th, at 4pm PT

A FREE 90-minute live training for health and fitness professionals looking to move into the online space that will lay out:

  • Exact steps for how to get started and what to focus on
  • Specific recommendations for what you’ll need when it comes to tech + software
  • Realistic expectations for timelines and outcomes

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Allow Me to Cut to the Chase:

There are hundreds of online business coaches out there, all claiming that their way is the best and only way, which is exactly why you're even reading this registration page in the first place: You don't know who to believe, you don't know where to start, and you're currently doing a whole lot of nothing.

I created this free training for all my health and fitness pros who have been thinking about venturing into the online space and are simply looking for someone who they trust to tell them EXACTLY how to get started.

If that's you, I gotchu.

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Here's What to Expect:

The Where:

The training will be held on Zoom (once again, the date is Thursday June 27th at 4pm PT), and you’ll receive the link via email after you complete registration. I’ll be teaching from slides, you’ll be able to ask questions, and no, I will not be selling anything. There will be a recording, and it will be sent out the day after the training. However, if you want your questions answered, you’ve got to show up live.

The Why:

This training will be 90 minutes as opposed to my usual 2+ hours precisely because this is an introduction to the foundations and fundamentals. This shit is not complex. The same way we preach the importance of the basics to our clients, I’m here to teach you their online business equivalents.

The Promise:

My promise is that you will walk away with a clear understanding of where to start, what to focus on, what you’ll need, and what to expect should you decide to venture into the online space.

What I'll Be Covering:

  • Which social media platforms to focus on in order to build an audience
  • What software and tech you actually need in order to get started (website, email, scheduler, etc.)
  • What the heck all that LLC, S-corp, sole prop talk is about and what you actually need to know
  • What specific tasks to focus on when you're first starting and in what order (it's not building a funnel 🙄)
  • How much time to dedicate when you're first starting and as you grow
  • What your first offer should be, how to price it, and when you should even consider launching it (spoiler, it probably shouldn't be a course and definitely shouldn't be a membership)
  • Realistic timeframes and timelines for progress (How long until you make money?!?)
  • Specific resources for your legal and financial questions
  • When it makes sense to hire a coach 

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In Case You Have No Idea Who I Am:

Hi! I'm the Maestro, aka Dr. C. Shanté Cofield. I'm a physical therapist by trade, an entrepreneur by choice, and while I’m well known for Instagram, my expertise lies in helping health and fitness pros build profitable online personal brands.

My business coaching focuses on content creation, organic growth, and brand strategy, with an overall approach based in transparency, integrity, and sustainability. In my 9+ years in the online space I’ve helped thousands of individuals establish their online presence, grow their online businesses, and do so in a way that works for them.

I’ve got a penchant for marketing and messaging, I believe there is a better way to do online business, and I can say with full certainty that MOAR you is better.


Getting started in the online space is easier than you think. Lemme show you.

It's 100% free. What do you have to lose?