The Instagram Business Blueprint

A self-paced course designed specifically for health and fitness professionals who want to learn exactly what they need to do to grow their audience, attract their ideal client, and use Instagram to build a successful online business.




You don't know how to turn your ideas into content and any time you try to record you wind up with 37 videos that you don't want to use.

You get very little engagement and  feel like you're spending a ton of time and energy on something that doesn't move the needle.

You want to use IG but you don't want to sound stupid, you don't want to dance, and you're wondering if anyone will even find your content helpful.

If those points had you nodding your head,

this course is for you.

Here's What is Covered:

Audience Identification and Attraction 

  • How to find your niche 
  • What to put in your bio to attract your ideal client
  • How to get the most out of your bio 
  • How to make your account look cohesive and professional

Humanizing Your Account 

  • What to share in Stories to connect with potential clients 
  • What goes in your Stories versus what goes in your posts 
  • How to get more DMs so that you can build trust with potential customers 
  • How much personal should be in a professional account 

Content Creation 

  • My preferred apps for creating posts and how to use them to save time
  • The apps that are currently being used to create the various Reels and posts that you see trending on Instagram
  • All of the tech equipment that I recommend in order to have the clearest video, the crispest audio, and the sharpest graphics 
  • The three different types of posts that exist on Instagram and how often to use each 
  • How to organize your ideas so that you never run out of content 
  • How to efficiently and effectively turn your ideas into actual posts that look good and get engagement from audience

  • How to create a posting calendar and posting strategy if that’s your thing (spoiler alert: I don’t use one and you don’t have to either) 
  • What type of content should be shared in which type of post format (Reel vs carousel vs static post) 
  • How much of your paid content you should share in your free content
  • How often to post and what time to post 
  • How to organize content creation so that it feels doable and allows you to stay consistent 
  • The best way to reuse and repurpose content 
  • How to write captions that your audience actually want to read 

Engagement and Growth 

  • What to post in order to get more engagement so you can connect with your audience 
  • How to get more DMs so that you can build trust with potential customers 
  • The best and worst strategies for growing your account and getting in front of new eyes 
  • What metrics you actually need to pay attention to
  • Hashtags: Are they important? 

Monetizing Instagram and Future-proofing Your Business 

  • How to position yourself as an expert in the field so that people don’t just expect you to help them for free 
  • The best way to sell on Instagram (it’s not what you think) 
  • How many followers you actually need in order to make money on Instagram 
  • What to do if Instagram dies tomorrow 

Imagine opening your phone and actually being excited to post.

Everything I Know About Instagram, Available Anytime You Want It

Any question you have about using Instagram for online business, I can guarantee that this course answers it. Ya'll know I'm obsessed with this platform. Real talk, there's a lot of information to cover, which is why I've broken this course into 27, yes I said 27 (hear me out), super straight-forward lessons. Short lessons means that you get through them, you can easily refer back, and don't need to sift through hours of video to try and find an answer. I've also included a downloadable PDF of the Instagram Business Blueprint Checklist which will give an easy to follow stepwise approach to using Instagram for online business, and will allow you to immediately audit your account and identify what you specifically could benefit from working on. Your results are my reputation. I'm here to help you learn, not to take your money.

    Ok, you've got my attention, but what were you saying about those 27 lessons?!?

It may sound like a lot, but all 27 lessons combine for a total watch time of about three and a half hours, which means that you can absolutely complete this course in one sitting if you don't have kids, or a with few bathroom hideaways if you do. I went ahead and listed out all the lessons and their durations below. It's not the prettiest thing, but hopefully it allows you to see just how doable and comprehensive this course is.

1. Intro (2:07)

2. Meet the Maestro + Why I Think Instagram is the Best Platform for Online Business (1:47)

3. Bonus Content - How to Increase Course Sign-ups (2:11)

4. Real Talk and General Info to Help You Succeed (17:38)

5. The "Hacks" (12:05)

6. The Things that Will Actually Make You Money (42:55)

7. Niching down (18:27)

8. The Bio (10:45)

9. Stories and Highlights (16:32)

10. General overview + Resources for Content Creation (6:58)

11. Posting Best Practices (3:26)

12. How to Create Content More Efficiently (2:00)

13. Audiovisual Considerations and Aspect Ratios (5:32)

14. The Different Types of Posts (1:16)

15. The Post Matrix (4:48)

16. Generating Ideas for Content (16:34)

17. What to Write In Your Captions (2:25)

18. How to Repurpose Your Content (1:11)

19. Creating a Content Calendar (1:27)

20. Getting Engagement and Being MOAR Engaging (7:51)

21. Hashtags (1:48)

22. Insights and Metrics (2:03)

23. The Truth, The Big Picture, and The Action Items for Monetizing Your Account (9:41)

24. Getting People Onto Your Email List (4:33)

25. The 6 Phases of Launching An Online Offer (3:36)

26. Closing the Loop of Learning (2:01)

27. Bonus Module: Live Masterclass Attendee Q+A (30:33)



 No Secrets Here.

Take A Look Under the Hood:

For those of you wondering what exactly this course looks like and how it's delivered, smash that play button and take a look for yourself. Make sure your sound is on! I created this course from the recording of a live masterclass I ran that received phenomenal feedback. The videos are picture in picture, with the main focus being the slides, so you don't have to worry about missing a single thing that I'm teaching. Speed up the playback, pause it, rewind it, come back to it later, this is learning on your terms.


What Makes This Course Different Than the Nine Zillion Other Ones Out There?

Well, for starters, none of them are run by me. I said what I said 💅🏾.

But more importantly, this course is different for two main reasons:

  1. This course focuses on how to use Instagram to support your business and actually make money.
  2. My motive for teaching folks about Instagram is simply that I want to make it a better place for all of us.

Every Instagram course out there focuses on hacks, gimmicks, and vanity metrics. Spoiler, likes don't pay your bills. I am a business coach first and foremost, and when it comes to teaching folks how to use Instagram my focus is on supporting your business, not stroking your ego. There is a reason that the longest lesson in the course is the one titled: Things That Will Actually Make You Money. I have successfully coached hundreds of professionals on how to use Instagram for business. This course isn't Instagram coaching, it's business coaching for Instagram.

Regarding point number two, I love Instagram, and as woo as it may sound, I truly believe in the power it has to connect people, serve as a resource, and quite literally change someone’s life. It kills my soul to see the same bullshit posts being copied over and over again, the same nonsense trends being shared over and over again, and the same brochacho messaging being shouted into Shure microphones over and over and over again.

I get it, sometimes you’ve got to pay the algorithm gods (we’ll chat about this during the class) but Instagram is a long-play game, and if you’re showing up in any way that isn’t truly authentic to you, you’ll burn out before you ever have a chance too succeed.

This course will teach you how to show up in a way that is aligned with your values, in a way that allows you to share content that you’re proud of, and in a way that you actually enjoy and will keep you showing up for years to come.

If you know of another Instagram coach promoting an approach like this, with literally hundreds of testimonials to back it up, please introduce me to them. I’d like to be friends.

I'm not here to just take your money, I'm here to change the game.

Learn how to stop comparing yourself to everyone and start contributing to the conversation. You've got something to say, let me help you say it.

In Case You Have No Idea Who I Am:

I'm the Maestro, aka Dr. C. Shanté Cofield. I'm a physical therapist by trade, an entrepreneur by choice, and I'm obsessed with Instagram. I've helped thousands of online business owners learn how to use Instagram to establish their brand, grow their business, and have a bigger impact. I believe in curating your experience on the 'Gram, creating MOAR than you consume, and showing up with 100% authenticity. If you want help learning how to use Instagram for online business, I gotchu. 



(Psst...This is a carousel of testimonials that you can swipe through.)

Frequently Asked Questions


This all sounds great, but what's the price? 



One Time Payment



You ready?!?

Real talk, there’s a reason I run my signature, super comprehensive 6-week Instagram Intensive group coaching program; there’s a 💩-ton to learn when it comes to truly mastering Instagram.

BUT if you’re looking to focus on the business side of things, if you want to learn about what’s working RIGHT NOW, if you’ve been waiting for a more affordable and accessible way to learn about Instagram from me, this course is for you.