$97.00 USD

Course Creator Blueprint

Lemme help you make some monies.

If you're reading this blurb, there’s a good chance that you’re looking for MOAR ways to bring your brain online and help your people without having to be in-person.

Quite frankly, creating a digital course is very simple, but I understand the confusion surrounding how you even start and what it means to actually CREATE a course. Where do you host the videos? How do you market it? How should you price it? How long should it be? ARE THE FILES IN THE COMPUTER?

I gotchu. Grab this course and let me teach you how to build, launch, and sell your first online course.

During the course you’ll learn:

  • My favorite platform to use to create a course
  • Why hosting courses on your own website is not a good idea
  • How to price your course
  • How to market your course
  • How to design your course
  • How to sell your course
  • What kind of content to have in your course
  • The technical aspects for recording your course
  • The most difficult part of having an online course
  • And whatever else you want to learn because I ALWAYS leave time at the end for questions

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